Latest visa news

Here are some of the latest visa news updates:

US Visa News

  1. New Public Charge Rule: The US Department of State has introduced a new public charge rule, effective February 24, 2020. The rule aims to ensure that immigrants who are granted visas or green cards are self-sufficient and do not rely on government benefits.
  2. Visa Interview Waiver Program: The US Department of State has expanded its Visa Interview Waiver Program, allowing certain applicants to skip the in-person interview process for non-immigrant visas.

UK Visa News

  1. Points-Based System: The UK government has introduced a new points-based system for skilled workers, effective January 1, 2021. The system aims to attract high-skilled workers and reduce reliance on low-skilled labor.
  2. EU Settlement Scheme: The UK government has launched the EU Settlement Scheme, allowing EU citizens to apply for settled status in the UK after Brexit.

Canada Visa News

  1. Express Entry Draw: Canada has held several Express Entry draws in recent months, inviting thousands of candidates to apply for permanent residence.
  2. New Immigration Plan: The Canadian government has launched a new immigration plan, aiming to welcome 1.2 million new permanent residents by 2024.

Australia Visa News

  1. Skilled Independent Visa: Australia has introduced a new Skilled Independent visa, allowing highly skilled workers to live and work in the country.
  2. Regional Migration Pilot: The Australian government has launched a Regional Migration Pilot, aiming to attract workers to regional areas.

India Visa News

  1. E-Visa Scheme: The Indian government has expanded its e-visa scheme, allowing citizens of 166 countries to apply for electronic visas online.
  2. Visa-Free Travel: India has signed visa-free travel agreements with several countries, including the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Other Visa News

  1. Schengen Visa: The European Union has introduced new rules for Schengen visa applicants, requiring biometric data and stricter security checks.
  2. US Travel Ban: The US government has expanded its travel ban, adding several countries to the list of countries whose citizens are subject to restrictions.

Please note that visa requirements and regulations are subject to change, and it's always best to check with the relevant authorities or a qualified immigration lawyer for the latest information.