Latest tory news

Here are the latest Tory news updates:

UK Politics

  1. Boris Johnson's Brexit deal faces fresh scrutiny: The UK government's Brexit deal is set to be scrutinized by MPs in the House of Commons, with many opposition parties and some Tory rebels expected to vote against it. (BBC News)
  2. Tory MPs urge Boris Johnson to reconsider Brexit deal: A group of Conservative MPs have written to Boris Johnson urging him to reconsider his Brexit deal, citing concerns over the impact on the UK's economy and the Good Friday Agreement. (The Guardian)
  3. Labour Party calls for general election: The Labour Party has called for a general election, citing the government's "botched" handling of Brexit and the need for a new mandate from the public. (Sky News)

Tory Party

  1. Tory MPs face backlash over Brexit stance: Several Conservative MPs have faced criticism from their constituents over their stance on Brexit, with some facing potential deselection from their parties. (The Telegraph)
  2. Tory leadership hopefuls emerge: Several Conservative MPs have announced their intention to run for the party leadership, including Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, and Rory Stewart. (The Times)
  3. Tory Party faces internal divisions: The Conservative Party is facing internal divisions over Brexit, with some MPs calling for a second referendum and others backing the government's deal. (The Independent)


  1. Brexit deal faces fresh challenges: The UK government's Brexit deal faces fresh challenges, including concerns over the impact on the Irish border and the need for further concessions from the EU. (The Financial Times)
  2. EU leaders to discuss Brexit deal: EU leaders are set to discuss the UK's Brexit deal, with some countries expressing concerns over the impact on the EU's single market and customs union. (The European Union)
  3. Brexit uncertainty hits UK economy: The UK economy has been hit by Brexit uncertainty, with some businesses delaying investment decisions and others stockpiling goods. (The BBC)

Other News

  1. UK government announces new funding for NHS: The UK government has announced new funding for the National Health Service (NHS), including an increase in funding for mental health services. (The BBC)
  2. UK and US agree trade deal: The UK and US have agreed a trade deal, which is expected to boost trade between the two countries. (The Financial Times)
  3. UK government announces new measures to tackle climate change: The UK government has announced new measures to tackle climate change, including a ban on new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. (The Guardian)

Please note that these are just some of the latest Tory news updates and may not be exhaustive.