Latest school news

Here are some of the latest school news from around the world:


  1. New York City Schools to Offer Free Meals to All Students: The New York City Department of Education has announced that it will offer free meals to all students, regardless of their family's income level, starting in the 2023-2024 school year. (Source: NBC News)
  2. California Schools to Implement New Math Curriculum: The California Department of Education has approved a new math curriculum that focuses on problem-solving and critical thinking skills, replacing the current curriculum that has been criticized for being too focused on memorization. (Source: EdSource)
  3. Florida Schools to Allow Teachers to Carry Guns: The Florida legislature has passed a bill allowing teachers to carry guns in schools, despite opposition from many educators and parents. (Source: CNN)


  1. UK Schools to Offer Free Period Products: The UK government has announced that it will provide free period products to all students in state-funded schools, starting in 2023. (Source: BBC News)
  2. England's GCSEs to be Reformed: The UK government has announced plans to reform England's GCSE exams, introducing a new grading system and reducing the number of exams taken by students. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Scotland's Free School Meals to be Extended: The Scottish government has announced that it will extend its free school meals program to all primary school students, regardless of their family's income level. (Source: The Scotsman)


  1. Australian Schools to Offer Free Mental Health Services: The Australian government has announced that it will provide free mental health services to all students in public schools, starting in 2023. (Source: ABC News)
  2. New South Wales Schools to Implement New Curriculum: The New South Wales government has announced a new curriculum for public schools, focusing on literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking skills. (Source: The Sydney Morning Herald)
  3. Victoria's Schools to Offer Free Breakfasts: The Victorian government has announced that it will provide free breakfasts to all students in state-funded schools, starting in 2023. (Source: The Age)


  1. UNESCO Reports on Global Education Crisis: UNESCO has released a report highlighting the global education crisis, with over 258 million children and youth out of school worldwide. (Source: UNESCO)
  2. Global Education Summit to be Held in London: The Global Education Summit will be held in London in July 2023, bringing together education ministers and experts from around the world to discuss global education challenges. (Source: The Telegraph)
  3. New Report Highlights Importance of Early Childhood Education: A new report by the World Bank and the World Health Organization highlights the importance of early childhood education in promoting lifelong learning and economic development. (Source: World Bank)

These are just a few examples of the latest school news from around the world.