Latest percy tau finally back in first team training

Exciting news for Leicester City fans!

Percy Tau, the talented South African winger, has finally returned to first-team training with Leicester City after a long injury layoff. Tau suffered a serious knee injury in October 2022, which kept him sidelined for several months.

The 28-year-old winger has been working hard on his rehabilitation and has now been cleared to join the first team for training. This is a significant boost for the Foxes, who have been missing Tau's pace and creativity on the wing.

Tau's return to training is a welcome development for Leicester City, who have struggled with injuries to key players this season. His presence could provide a much-needed spark to the team's attack, which has been inconsistent this campaign.

Let's hope Tau can regain his fitness and form quickly, and make a positive impact on the pitch for Leicester City.