Latest news winnipeg

Here are some of the latest news stories from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada:

Local News

  1. Winnipeg's new police chief takes office: Evan Melnyk has been sworn in as the new chief of the Winnipeg Police Service, replacing Danny Smyth. (Source: CBC News)
  2. City council approves new bike lanes: Winnipeg City Council has approved the installation of new bike lanes on several streets in the city, including Portage Avenue and Corydon Avenue. (Source: Winnipeg Free Press)
  3. Winnipeg Jets' new arena project moves forward: The Winnipeg Jets' new arena project has received approval from the City of Winnipeg, with construction expected to begin in 2023. (Source: Global News)

Provincial News

  1. Manitoba government announces new healthcare funding: The Manitoba government has announced a new funding package for the province's healthcare system, including increased funding for hospitals and healthcare services. (Source: CBC News)
  2. Manitoba introduces new climate change strategy: The Manitoba government has introduced a new climate change strategy, which includes targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of renewable energy. (Source: Winnipeg Free Press)
  3. Manitoba announces new funding for rural healthcare: The Manitoba government has announced new funding for rural healthcare services, including increased funding for rural hospitals and healthcare clinics. (Source: Global News)

National News

  1. Federal government announces new funding for Indigenous communities: The federal government has announced new funding for Indigenous communities in Manitoba, including funding for housing, education, and healthcare. (Source: CBC News)
  2. Canada and US reach new trade deal: Canada and the United States have reached a new trade deal, which includes changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (Source: Winnipeg Free Press)
  3. Federal election campaign underway: The federal election campaign is underway, with parties vying for seats in the House of Commons. (Source: Global News)

Sports News

  1. Winnipeg Blue Bombers win Grey Cup: The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have won the Grey Cup, defeating the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the championship game. (Source: CBC News)
  2. Winnipeg Jets' new coach announced: The Winnipeg Jets have announced their new head coach, Rick Bowness, who has previously coached the Dallas Stars and Ottawa Senators. (Source: Winnipeg Free Press)
  3. Winnipeg Goldeyes win American Association championship: The Winnipeg Goldeyes have won the American Association championship, defeating the Sioux City Explorers in the league finals. (Source: Global News)

These are just a few of the latest news stories from Winnipeg.