Latest news on us and north korea war

There is no current war between the United States and North Korea. However, there have been tensions and conflicts between the two countries in the past, particularly over North Korea's nuclear weapons program and human rights record.

Here are some recent developments:

  1. Denuclearization talks: In 2018, North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump held a historic summit in Singapore, where they agreed to work towards denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Since then, there have been several rounds of talks between the two countries, but progress has been slow.
  2. Missile tests: North Korea has continued to conduct missile tests, which have been seen as a violation of UN resolutions. The US has responded with military exercises and sanctions.
  3. Sanctions: The US has imposed sanctions on North Korea, including restrictions on trade and travel. North Korea has also been subject to international sanctions, including those imposed by the UN.
  4. Human rights: The US has been critical of North Korea's human rights record, including reports of widespread abuses and mistreatment of prisoners.
  5. Military exercises: The US and South Korea have continued to conduct military exercises, which North Korea has seen as a threat.
  6. Trump-Kim summits: There have been three summits between Trump and Kim, in 2018, 2019, and 2020. While the summits have produced some agreements, including a commitment to work towards denuclearization, progress has been slow.
  7. Recent tensions: In recent months, tensions have increased between the two countries, with North Korea conducting missile tests and the US responding with military exercises.

Some recent news articles on the topic:

Please note that the situation between the US and North Korea is complex and constantly evolving, and this information may not be comprehensive or up-to-date.