Latest news on universe

Here are some of the latest news and discoveries about the universe:

1. Water vapor detected on a distant exoplanet: Astronomers have detected water vapor in the atmosphere of K2-18b, a super-Earth exoplanet located about 111 light-years from Earth. This discovery suggests that the planet may have conditions suitable for life. (Source: NASA)

2. Most distant galaxy ever observed: Astronomers have discovered a galaxy called GN-z11, which is the most distant galaxy ever observed. It is seen as it was just 400 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was still in its early stages of formation. (Source: NASA)

3. Black hole merger detected: Scientists have detected the merger of two black holes, each with a mass about 30 times that of the sun. This event was detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo detector. (Source: LIGO)

4. New species of galaxy discovered: Astronomers have discovered a new species of galaxy, called a "green pea" galaxy, which is a small, compact galaxy that is rich in oxygen and other elements. (Source: NASA)

5. Mystery of dark matter deepens: Scientists have made new observations of dark matter, a mysterious substance that makes up about 27% of the universe, but its nature remains unknown. (Source: NASA)

6. First image of a black hole: The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has captured the first-ever image of a black hole, located at the center of the galaxy Messier 87 (M87). The image shows a bright ring of light around a dark center, which is the event horizon of the black hole. (Source: EHT)

7. New evidence for the existence of dark energy: Scientists have found new evidence for the existence of dark energy, a mysterious force that is driving the acceleration of the universe's expansion. (Source: NASA)

8. Discovery of a massive galaxy cluster: Astronomers have discovered a massive galaxy cluster, called SPT2349-56, which is one of the largest and most massive galaxy clusters ever observed. (Source: NASA)

9. New insights into the origins of the universe: Scientists have made new discoveries about the origins of the universe, including the detection of gravitational waves from the Big Bang and the discovery of a new type of cosmic particle. (Source: NASA)

10. Upcoming missions to explore the universe: Several new missions are planned to explore the universe, including the James Webb Space Telescope, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). These missions will study the universe in unprecedented detail and make new discoveries about the nature of the universe. (Source: NASA)

These are just a few of the latest news and discoveries about the universe. There is always more to learn and discover about the vast expanse of space that surrounds us!