Latest news on sunday igboho

Sunday Adeyemo, also known as Sunday Igboho, is a Nigerian activist who has been in the news recently due to his efforts to promote the rights of the Yoruba people and his opposition to the Fulani herdsmen. Here are some of the latest news updates on Sunday Igboho:

  1. Arrest and Detention: On July 1, 2021, Sunday Igboho was arrested at the Cadjehoun Airport in Cotonou, Benin Republic, while trying to travel to Germany. He was later detained by the Beninese authorities.
  2. Extradition to Nigeria: The Nigerian government has requested the extradition of Sunday Igboho to Nigeria, where he is wanted for alleged crimes including murder, kidnapping, and illegal possession of firearms.
  3. Denial of Bail: On July 12, 2021, a Beninese court denied Sunday Igboho's request for bail, citing concerns that he might flee the country if released.
  4. Health Concerns: Sunday Igboho's lawyers have raised concerns about his health, saying that he is suffering from high blood pressure and other health issues while in detention.
  5. International Support: Sunday Igboho has received support from some international organizations and individuals, including the African Diaspora Forum, which has called for his release and an end to his extradition to Nigeria.
  6. Yoruba Community Protests: The Yoruba community in Nigeria and abroad has been protesting Sunday Igboho's detention and calling for his release. They argue that he is a freedom fighter who is being persecuted by the Nigerian government.
  7. Nigerian Government's Response: The Nigerian government has denied allegations of persecution and has said that Sunday Igboho is being held for his alleged crimes. The government has also accused him of being a terrorist and a threat to national security.

It's worth noting that the situation surrounding Sunday Igboho's arrest and detention is complex and controversial, with different parties having different versions of events.