Latest news on sim registration in nigeria

Here are the latest updates on SIM registration in Nigeria:

Latest Development:

As of March 2023, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has announced that it has completed the registration of over 100 million SIM cards in the country. This is a significant milestone in the commission's efforts to ensure that all SIM cards in Nigeria are registered and linked to the National Identity Number (NIN).


In December 2020, the Nigerian government announced a new policy requiring all SIM card users in the country to register their SIM cards with their National Identity Number (NIN). The policy was aimed at reducing crime, improving national security, and enhancing the efficiency of telecommunications services in the country.

Key Updates:

  1. Extension of Deadline: The initial deadline for the registration of SIM cards was December 31, 2020, but it was later extended to April 6, 2021, and then to June 30, 2021. The deadline has been extended several times since then, with the latest extension being until March 31, 2023.
  2. Penalties for Non-Compliance: The NCC has warned that any telecoms operator or individual found to be operating an unregistered SIM card will face penalties, including fines and even the suspension of their SIM card.
  3. SIM Card Registration Centers: The NCC has set up SIM card registration centers across the country, where individuals can register their SIM cards and link them to their NIN.
  4. Online Registration: The NCC has also made it possible for individuals to register their SIM cards online, using the NCC's website or mobile app.
  5. NIN-SIM Integration: The NCC has announced that it has successfully integrated the NIN database with the SIM card registration database, which means that all SIM cards registered with the NCC are now linked to the NIN database.


Despite the efforts of the NCC, there have been some challenges with the SIM registration process, including:

  1. Long Queues: Many Nigerians have reported long queues at SIM card registration centers, which has caused frustration and inconvenience.
  2. Technical Issues: Some individuals have reported technical issues with the online registration process, including difficulties with uploading their NIN or verifying their identity.
  3. Lack of Awareness: Some Nigerians may not be aware of the SIM registration policy or may not understand the process, which has led to some individuals not registering their SIM cards.


The SIM registration policy in Nigeria is an important step towards improving national security and reducing crime. While there have been some challenges with the process, the NCC has made significant progress in registering over 100 million SIM cards in the country. It is essential for all Nigerians to register their SIM cards and link them to their NIN to avoid penalties and ensure the smooth operation of telecommunications services in the country.