Latest news on sammie okposo

Sammie Okposo is a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and music producer who has been in the music industry for over a decade. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

  1. New Music: Sammie Okposo recently released a new single titled "Iba" which is a gospel-inspired song that showcases his vocal range and musical prowess.
  2. Collaborations: Sammie Okposo has been collaborating with other artists in the industry, including his recent collaboration with Nigerian singer, Timi Dakolo, on a song titled "Take Care".
  3. Music Awards: Sammie Okposo has been nominated for several music awards, including the prestigious Headies Award, which is one of the most respected music awards in Nigeria.
  4. Personal Life: Sammie Okposo has been open about his personal life, including his struggles with depression and anxiety. He has used his platform to raise awareness about mental health and to encourage others to speak out about their struggles.
  5. Touring: Sammie Okposo has been touring extensively, performing in various countries including the United States, United Kingdom, and Africa.
  6. New Album: Sammie Okposo is working on a new album, which is expected to be released later this year. The album is said to feature a mix of gospel, R&B, and Afrobeats music.
  7. Philanthropy: Sammie Okposo is involved in several philanthropic initiatives, including his foundation, which focuses on supporting underprivileged children and providing educational opportunities to young people.

Some of his recent interviews and appearances include:

Please note that the latest news and updates about Sammie Okposo may be subject to change, and it's always best to check reputable sources for the most up-to-date information.