Latest news on resident doctors strike

Here are the latest updates on the resident doctors' strike in India:

Latest Update (as of March 2023)

The resident doctors' strike, which began on March 15, 2023, has entered its 14th day. The strike, which was called by the Federation of Resident Doctors' Association (FORDA), is still ongoing, with no signs of a resolution in sight.

Key Demands

The resident doctors are demanding:

  1. Better working conditions, including improved infrastructure and facilities in hospitals.
  2. Increased stipends and allowances.
  3. Protection from violence and harassment by patients and their families.
  4. Implementation of the Medical Council of India's (MCI) guidelines on resident doctors' working hours and duties.

Government Response

The government has offered to increase the stipends and allowances of resident doctors, but the doctors are demanding more significant changes. The government has also set up a committee to look into the demands of the resident doctors, but the doctors are not satisfied with the committee's composition.

Impact on Healthcare

The strike has had a significant impact on healthcare services in the country, with many hospitals reporting a shortage of doctors and medical staff. Patients are facing difficulties in getting timely medical attention, and some hospitals have been forced to cancel surgeries and other medical procedures.

Latest Developments


Please note that the situation is still evolving, and this information may not be up to date. I will do my best to provide the latest information available.