Latest news on ondo state workers salary

I've got some information on the latest news regarding Ondo State workers' salary. Please note that the information may be subject to change, and I'll do my best to provide you with the most recent updates.

Latest News:

As of March 2023, the Ondo State Government has announced that it has paid the February 2023 salary of its workers. This was disclosed by the State Head of Service, Mr. Dare Aragbaiye, who stated that the payment was made on March 15, 2023.


In recent years, Ondo State workers have faced challenges with regards to their salaries, including delayed payments and deductions. In 2022, the state government owed its workers several months of salary arrears, which led to protests and industrial actions by labor unions.

Recent Developments:

In January 2023, the Ondo State Government announced that it had cleared the backlog of salary arrears owed to its workers. The government attributed the clearance to the release of funds from the Federal Government and the state's internal revenue generation efforts.

Current Situation:

As of March 2023, Ondo State workers are receiving their salaries on time, with the latest payment being made in February 2023. However, there are still concerns about the sustainability of the current payment system, as the state government continues to face financial challenges.


Please note that the information provided is subject to change, and I recommend verifying the information with official sources or reputable news outlets for the most up-to-date information.