Latest news on oluwo of iwoland

Oluwo of Iwoland is the traditional ruler of Iwo, a town in Osun State, Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news updates on Oluwo of Iwoland:

  1. Oluwo's 10th Anniversary Celebration: In October 2022, Oluwo of Iwoland, Oba Abdulrosheed Akanbi, celebrated his 10th anniversary on the throne. The celebration was marked with a grand ceremony attended by dignitaries from across Nigeria and beyond.
  2. Chieftaincy Tussle: In August 2022, a chieftaincy tussle erupted in Iwo over the appointment of a new Baale (village head) for the town. Oluwo of Iwoland intervened to resolve the crisis, which had led to tension and violence in the town.
  3. Cultural Exchange Program: In July 2022, Oluwo of Iwoland launched a cultural exchange program aimed at promoting cultural understanding and exchange between Iwo and other parts of the world. The program will involve cultural performances, exhibitions, and workshops.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Oluwo of Iwoland has been working to develop the infrastructure of Iwo, including the construction of roads, bridges, and public buildings. In June 2022, he commissioned a new palace complex, which is expected to serve as a symbol of the town's rich cultural heritage.
  5. Youth Empowerment: Oluwo of Iwoland has been actively involved in youth empowerment initiatives, including the establishment of a vocational training center and a scholarship scheme for indigent students. In May 2022, he launched a new initiative aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among young people in Iwo.
  6. Conflict Resolution: Oluwo of Iwoland has been involved in various conflict resolution efforts in Iwo and beyond. In April 2022, he mediated a dispute between two rival factions in the town, which had led to violence and property damage.
  7. Cultural Revival: Oluwo of Iwoland has been working to revive the cultural heritage of Iwo, including the promotion of traditional music, dance, and art. In March 2022, he launched a new cultural festival, which will be held annually to celebrate the town's rich cultural heritage.

These are just a few of the latest news updates on Oluwo of Iwoland. As the traditional ruler of Iwo, Oba Abdulrosheed Akanbi continues to play a significant role in the development and promotion of the town's culture, economy, and infrastructure.