Latest news on nysc posting

Here are the latest news and updates on the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) posting:

Latest Update (March 2023)

The NYSC has announced that the 2023 Batch A Stream II mobilization exercise has been concluded, and the posting of corps members has been released. According to the NYSC, a total of 34,000 corps members were posted to various states across the country.

Key Highlights

  1. Batch A Stream II Posting: The NYSC has released the posting of corps members for Batch A Stream II, which includes 34,000 corps members.
  2. State-wise Posting: The posting is state-wise, with corps members allocated to various states and local governments.
  3. Deployment to FCT: A total of 1,500 corps members were deployed to the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
  4. Deployment to States: The remaining corps members were deployed to various states across the country, with the highest number of deployments to Lagos State (4,500 corps members).
  5. Deployment to Local Governments: Corps members were also deployed to various local governments within their respective states.

Previous Updates

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

Please note that these updates are subject to change, and it's always best to check the official NYSC website or social media channels for the latest information on NYSC posting.