Latest news on npower exit package

Npower, a UK-based energy supplier, ceased trading in 2019 and was acquired by E.ON, another energy company. As a result, Npower's customers were transferred to E.ON, and the company's assets were sold off.

In terms of exit packages, Npower's employees were offered a range of options, including:

  1. Transfer to E.ON: Many Npower employees were offered roles at E.ON, with some taking on similar positions and others being redeployed to different areas of the business.
  2. Redundancy packages: Employees who were not offered roles at E.ON or were not suitable for redeployment were offered redundancy packages, which included a combination of statutory redundancy pay, notice pay, and other benefits.
  3. Career transition support: Npower provided career transition support to help employees find new roles outside of the company.

It's worth noting that the exact details of Npower's exit package may vary depending on individual circumstances, and not all employees may have received the same package.

If you're looking for the latest news on Npower's exit package, I recommend checking out reputable news sources such as BBC News, The Guardian, or Energy Live News, which may have reported on the topic. You can also try searching for "Npower exit package" or "Npower redundancy package" on search engines like Google to find relevant articles and information.