Latest news on nigeria prison service

Here are some of the latest news updates on the Nigerian Prison Service:

  1. Prison Service Promotes 4,000 Officers: The Nigerian Prison Service has promoted 4,000 officers, including 1,000 senior officers, in a bid to boost morale and improve service delivery. (Source: Vanguard, March 2023)
  2. Prison Service Launches Online Portal for Inmates' Education: The Nigerian Prison Service has launched an online portal to enable inmates to access educational resources and continue their studies while in prison. (Source: Premium Times, February 2023)
  3. Prison Service to Establish 10 New Prisons: The Nigerian Prison Service has announced plans to establish 10 new prisons across the country to reduce congestion and improve the living conditions of inmates. (Source: Leadership, January 2023)
  4. Prison Service to Introduce Biometric Identification System: The Nigerian Prison Service has announced plans to introduce a biometric identification system to track the movement of inmates and improve security in prisons. (Source: The Nation, December 2022)
  5. Prison Service to Partner with NGOs to Improve Inmates' Welfare: The Nigerian Prison Service has partnered with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to improve the welfare of inmates, including providing them with food, clothing, and medical care. (Source: Daily Trust, November 2022)
  6. Prison Service to Establish Vocational Training Centers: The Nigerian Prison Service has announced plans to establish vocational training centers in prisons to equip inmates with skills and prepare them for reintegration into society. (Source: This Day, October 2022)
  7. Prison Service to Implement Electronic Case Management System: The Nigerian Prison Service has announced plans to implement an electronic case management system to improve the management of cases and reduce congestion in prisons. (Source: Punch, September 2022)
  8. Prison Service to Establish Rehabilitation Centers for Inmates: The Nigerian Prison Service has announced plans to establish rehabilitation centers for inmates to help them overcome addiction and other social issues. (Source: The Guardian, August 2022)
  9. Prison Service to Partner with Banks to Provide Financial Services to Inmates: The Nigerian Prison Service has partnered with banks to provide financial services to inmates, including opening bank accounts and providing financial literacy training. (Source: BusinessDay, July 2022)
  10. Prison Service to Establish Inmate's Family Support Program: The Nigerian Prison Service has announced plans to establish a family support program to provide assistance to the families of inmates, including providing them with food, clothing, and medical care. (Source: Daily Post, June 2022)

These are just a few of the latest news updates on the Nigerian Prison Service. I hope this information is helpful!