Latest news on nigeria health workers strike

As of my knowledge cutoff in March 2023, the latest news on the Nigeria health workers strike is as follows:

Background: The Nigerian Union of Allied Health Professionals (NUAHP) and the Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) have been on strike since April 2021, demanding better working conditions, improved salaries, and the implementation of the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the unions and the Federal Government.

Recent Developments:

  1. Negotiations: In February 2023, the Federal Government and the health workers' unions resumed negotiations aimed at resolving the strike. The unions presented a 14-point demand list, including the implementation of the 2017 MoU, improved salaries, and better working conditions.
  2. Government's Offer: The Federal Government offered a 10% salary increase for health workers, which the unions rejected as inadequate. The unions are demanding a 50% salary increase and the implementation of the 2017 MoU.
  3. Strike Continues: Despite the ongoing negotiations, the strike continues, with health workers in public hospitals and healthcare facilities across the country refusing to work. The strike has led to a shortage of healthcare services, putting patients' lives at risk.
  4. Consequences: The strike has had severe consequences, including:
    • Closure of public hospitals and healthcare facilities
    • Shortage of essential medicines and medical supplies
    • Delayed treatment and diagnosis of patients
    • Increased mortality rates due to lack of access to healthcare services
  5. International Concerns: The strike has raised concerns among international health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), which has called for a resolution to the strike to ensure the provision of essential healthcare services to the Nigerian population.

Current Status: As of March 2023, the strike remains ongoing, with no clear resolution in sight. The Federal Government and the health workers' unions are continuing to negotiate, but the strike shows no signs of ending soon.

Please note that the situation is subject to change, and I recommend checking reputable news sources for the latest updates on the Nigeria health workers strike.