Latest news on nigeria airways

Nigeria Airways was a national carrier of Nigeria that operated from 1958 to 2003. However, the airline ceased operations in 2003 due to financial difficulties and was liquidated. Since then, there have been several attempts to revive the airline, but none have been successful.

In recent years, there have been reports of plans to revive Nigeria Airways, but these plans have not yet come to fruition. In 2020, the Nigerian government announced plans to revive the airline, but the project has been delayed due to various reasons, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some of the latest news and updates on Nigeria Airways:

  1. In October 2020, the Nigerian government announced that it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a private company, Green Africa Airways, to revive Nigeria Airways. The MoU was signed by the Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika, and the CEO of Green Africa Airways, Babawande Afolabi.
  2. In November 2020, the Nigerian government announced that it had appointed a new management team to oversee the revival of Nigeria Airways. The team was led by a former CEO of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Captain Fola Akinkuotu.
  3. In December 2020, the Nigerian government announced that it had received a proposal from a private company, Azman Air, to revive Nigeria Airways. Azman Air is a Nigerian airline that operates domestic and international flights.
  4. In January 2021, the Nigerian government announced that it had approved a proposal to revive Nigeria Airways, but the airline would not be a national carrier. Instead, it would be a private airline that would operate under a public-private partnership arrangement.
  5. In February 2021, the Nigerian government announced that it had appointed a new CEO for Nigeria Airways, Mr. Jide Ogunlana. Ogunlana is a former CEO of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA).
  6. In March 2021, Nigeria Airways announced that it had received a certificate of airworthiness from the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), which allows it to operate commercial flights.

It's worth noting that the revival of Nigeria Airways is still in its early stages, and there are many challenges that the airline must overcome before it can start operating commercially.