Latest news on nddc board

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is a federal government agency responsible for the development of the Niger Delta region in Nigeria. The agency is headed by a board, which is responsible for overseeing its activities and making key decisions.

As of my knowledge cutoff in August 2022, the NDDC board was led by Professor Pius Odubu as the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Ibanga Bassey Etang as the Executive Director, Projects.

Here are some of the latest news and updates on the NDDC board:

  1. Reconstitution of the NDDC Board: In July 2022, the Federal Government reconstituted the NDDC board, with Professor Pius Odubu as the new Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Ibanga Bassey Etang as the Executive Director, Projects.
  2. NDDC's 2022 Budget: In June 2022, the NDDC presented its 2022 budget to the National Assembly, which was estimated at N81.5 billion. The budget aimed to focus on the development of infrastructure, healthcare, education, and economic empowerment in the Niger Delta region.
  3. NDDC's 2021 Audit Report: In May 2022, the NDDC released its 2021 audit report, which showed that the agency spent N1.3 trillion in 2021. The report also highlighted some challenges faced by the agency, including inadequate funding and poor project execution.
  4. NDDC's Efforts to Combat Oil Spills: In April 2022, the NDDC launched a campaign to combat oil spills in the Niger Delta region. The agency pledged to work with oil companies and other stakeholders to prevent oil spills and mitigate their impact on the environment.
  5. NDDC's Healthcare Initiatives: In March 2022, the NDDC launched a healthcare initiative aimed at improving healthcare services in the Niger Delta region. The initiative included the construction of new hospitals and the provision of medical equipment and supplies.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates on the NDDC board. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking out reputable news sources or the NDDC's official website.