Latest news on ncs

NCSS (National Council on Social Studies) is a professional organization that focuses on promoting social studies education in the United States. Here are some of the latest news and updates from NCSS:

Recent News

  1. NCSS Announces New Executive Director: In January 2023, NCSS announced the appointment of Dr. Lisa E. Miller as its new Executive Director. Dr. Miller has over 20 years of experience in education and has served as a teacher, administrator, and professor.
  2. 2023 National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Annual Conference: The 2023 NCSS Annual Conference will be held from November 2-5, 2023, in Denver, Colorado. The conference will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and sessions on various social studies topics.
  3. NCSS Releases New Social Studies Standards: In October 2022, NCSS released new social studies standards for grades K-12. The standards aim to promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and civic engagement in social studies education.
  4. NCSS Partners with Other Organizations: NCSS has partnered with other organizations, such as the American Historical Association and the National Council for the Teaching of History, to promote social studies education and advocate for its importance in schools.

Recent Research and Reports

  1. The State of Social Studies Education: A 2022 report by the National Center for Education Statistics found that social studies education has declined in recent years, with fewer students taking social studies courses and fewer teachers reporting feeling prepared to teach social studies.
  2. The Importance of Social Studies Education: A 2022 report by the National Association of Social Studies Educators found that social studies education is essential for promoting civic engagement, critical thinking, and cultural understanding.
  3. Teaching Social Studies in the Digital Age: A 2022 report by the International Society for Technology in Education found that social studies teachers are increasingly using digital tools and resources to engage students and promote deeper learning.

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. NCSS Awards: NCSS has announced its annual awards for outstanding social studies educators, researchers, and programs. The awards recognize individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to social studies education.
  2. Social Studies Teacher of the Year: The National Council for the Social Studies has announced its Social Studies Teacher of the Year award, which recognizes an outstanding social studies teacher who has made a significant impact on their students and community.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from NCSS. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting the NCSS website or following them on social media.