Latest news on jamb caps

JAMB CAPS is a platform used by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) to process and admit candidates into Nigerian universities. Here are the latest news and updates on JAMB CAPS:

Latest News:

  1. JAMB CAPS 2022/2023 Admission Exercise: The 2022/2023 JAMB CAPS admission exercise has commenced. Candidates who have been offered admission by universities can now accept or reject their offers on the platform.
  2. New Features on JAMB CAPS: JAMB has introduced new features on CAPS, including the ability for candidates to view their admission status, accept or reject offers, and check their admission letters.
  3. JAMB CAPS Deadline: The deadline for the 2022/2023 JAMB CAPS admission exercise is October 15, 2022. Candidates are advised to accept or reject their offers before the deadline to avoid missing out on admission opportunities.
  4. JAMB CAPS Technical Issues: Some candidates have reported technical issues with the JAMB CAPS platform, including difficulties in accessing their profiles and accepting or rejecting admission offers. JAMB has assured candidates that it is working to resolve these issues as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. How do I access my JAMB CAPS profile?: To access your JAMB CAPS profile, log in to the JAMB website and click on the "CAPS" tab. Enter your JAMB registration number and password to access your profile.
  2. How do I accept or reject an admission offer on JAMB CAPS?: To accept or reject an admission offer on JAMB CAPS, log in to your profile and click on the "Admission Status" tab. Click on the "Accept" or "Reject" button next to the admission offer to confirm your decision.
  3. What happens if I reject an admission offer on JAMB CAPS?: If you reject an admission offer on JAMB CAPS, you will be considered for other admission opportunities. However, if you reject an offer and do not receive another offer, you may not be admitted to any university.
  4. Can I still accept an admission offer after the deadline?: No, the deadline for accepting or rejecting admission offers on JAMB CAPS is firm. Candidates who do not accept or reject their offers before the deadline will be considered to have rejected their offers.

Tips for Candidates:

  1. Regularly check your JAMB CAPS profile: Regularly check your JAMB CAPS profile to ensure that you do not miss any admission offers.
  2. Accept or reject admission offers promptly: Accept or reject admission offers promptly to avoid missing out on admission opportunities.
  3. Contact JAMB customer service: If you encounter any technical issues with JAMB CAPS, contact JAMB customer service for assistance.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!