Latest news on igboho

I'm assuming you're referring to Sunday Igboho, a Nigerian activist and leader of the Yoruba Nation movement. Here are some of the latest news updates on him:

Recent Arrest and Detention: On July 1, 2021, Sunday Igboho was arrested at the Cadjehoun Airport in Cotonou, Benin Republic, while trying to travel to Germany. He was detained by the Beninese authorities and later transferred to a prison in Cotonou.

Extradition Request: The Nigerian government has requested the extradition of Sunday Igboho from Benin Republic, citing allegations of terrorism and kidnapping. However, Igboho's lawyers have denied these allegations and are fighting his extradition.

International Support: Igboho has received support from various international organizations and individuals, including the African Bar Association, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and human rights activists like Amnesty International.

Health Concerns: Igboho has been complaining of health issues while in detention, including high blood pressure and a heart condition. His lawyers have called for his immediate release and medical attention.

Yoruba Nation Movement: The arrest and detention of Sunday Igboho have sparked widespread protests and demonstrations across Nigeria, particularly in the Yoruba region. The Yoruba Nation movement, which seeks self-determination and autonomy for the Yoruba people, has gained momentum in recent months.

International Pressure: The international community has been putting pressure on the Beninese government to release Igboho and respect his human rights. The United States, the European Union, and other countries have called for his release and an end to human rights abuses in Nigeria.

Court Hearings: Igboho's lawyers have been pushing for his release through the courts, citing lack of evidence and violations of his human rights. The next court hearing is scheduled for August 2021.

Please note that the situation is still evolving, and new developments may emerge. I'll do my best to keep you updated on the latest news on Sunday Igboho.