Latest news on grant disbursement

Here are some of the latest news on grant disbursement:


  1. National Science Foundation (NSF) Awards $20 Million in Grants: The NSF has awarded $20 million in grants to support research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. (Source: NSF)
  2. Department of Education Awards $150 Million in Grants for Teacher Training: The Department of Education has awarded $150 million in grants to support teacher training and professional development programs. (Source: Department of Education)
  3. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Awards $1.5 Billion in Grants for Biomedical Research: The NIH has awarded $1.5 billion in grants to support biomedical research, including projects focused on cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and infectious diseases. (Source: NIH)


  1. European Union Awards €1.5 Billion in Grants for Research and Innovation: The European Union has awarded €1.5 billion in grants to support research and innovation projects in areas such as climate change, energy, and healthcare. (Source: European Union)
  2. World Bank Awards $1.2 Billion in Grants for Development Projects: The World Bank has awarded $1.2 billion in grants to support development projects in countries such as India, China, and Africa. (Source: World Bank)
  3. Australian Government Awards AU$100 Million in Grants for Research and Development: The Australian Government has awarded AU$100 million in grants to support research and development projects in areas such as biotechnology, renewable energy, and advanced manufacturing. (Source: Australian Government)


  1. Google Awards $25 Million in Grants for Non-Profit Organizations: Google has awarded $25 million in grants to support non-profit organizations working on projects such as education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. (Source: Google)
  2. Microsoft Awards $20 Million in Grants for Artificial Intelligence Research: Microsoft has awarded $20 million in grants to support artificial intelligence research projects in areas such as healthcare, education, and accessibility. (Source: Microsoft)
  3. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Awards $500 Million in Grants for Global Health and Education: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded $500 million in grants to support global health and education projects, including efforts to combat diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis. (Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)

These are just a few examples of the latest news on grant disbursement. There are many more grants and funding opportunities available from government agencies, foundations, and corporations.