Latest news on futminna

FUTMINNA! Here are the latest news and updates on Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMINNA):

Academic News

  1. Resumption of Academic Activities: FUTMINNA has announced the resumption of academic activities for the 2022/2023 academic session. Students are expected to return to campus on October 3, 2022.
  2. New Students' Orientation: The university has scheduled a new students' orientation program for October 10-14, 2022. Fresh students are expected to participate in the program to familiarize themselves with the university's rules and regulations.

Admission News

  1. UTME Cut-Off Mark: FUTMINNA has announced its UTME cut-off mark for the 2022/2023 academic session. The cut-off mark is 180 for all courses.
  2. Post-UTME Screening: The university has scheduled a post-UTME screening exercise for candidates who have chosen FUTMINNA as their first choice institution. The screening exercise is expected to hold from October 17-21, 2022.

Campus News

  1. New Vice-Chancellor: Professor Abdullahi Bala has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of FUTMINNA. He takes over from Professor Musa G. Gidado, who completed his tenure on September 30, 2022.
  2. Campus Development: The university has embarked on several infrastructure development projects, including the construction of new lecture halls, hostels, and a state-of-the-art library.

Other News

  1. Research Grants: FUTMINNA has announced the availability of research grants for staff and students. The grants are aimed at promoting research and innovation in various fields.
  2. Alumni Association: The FUTMINNA Alumni Association has been re-launched to promote unity and cooperation among alumni. The association aims to provide support to current students and staff of the university.

These are the latest news and updates on FUTMINNA. I hope this information is helpful!