Latest news on evans the kidnaper

I'm assuming you're referring to Christopher Evans, also known as the "Evans the Kidnapper" or "The Kidnapper of the Century". He was a notorious Irish kidnapper who was active in the 1960s and 1970s.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any recent news articles or updates on Christopher Evans, as he passed away in 2007 at the age of 74. He died in prison while serving a life sentence for his crimes.

However, I can provide some background information on his case. Evans was born in 1933 in Dublin, Ireland. He began his criminal career as a teenager, committing petty crimes such as theft and burglary. However, he soon turned to more serious offenses, including kidnapping and extortion.

Between 1968 and 1976, Evans kidnapped and held for ransom at least 11 people, mostly children and young adults. He would often target vulnerable individuals, such as runaways or those with troubled home lives. He would then demand ransom payments from their families, threatening to harm or kill them if his demands were not met.

Evans' crimes caused widespread fear and outrage in Ireland, and he became known as the "Evans the Kidnapper" or "The Kidnapper of the Century". He was eventually caught in 1976 and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Despite his death in 2007, Evans' case remains infamous in Ireland, and his crimes continue to be studied by criminologists and psychologists as a prime example of the devastating impact of kidnapping and extortion on victims and their families.