Latest news on civil defence

Here are some of the latest news and updates on civil defense:


  1. UN Launches New Civil Defense Program: The United Nations has launched a new program to strengthen civil defense capabilities in countries around the world. The program aims to improve disaster preparedness and response, and to reduce the impact of natural disasters on communities. (Source: UN News)
  2. Global Civil Defense Exercise: The International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) has conducted a global civil defense exercise, simulating a massive earthquake and tsunami. The exercise aimed to test the readiness of countries to respond to such disasters. (Source: ICDO)


  1. US Civil Defense Drills: The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has conducted civil defense drills in several states, including California, Florida, and Texas. The drills aimed to test the response of emergency responders and the public to natural disasters. (Source: FEMA)
  2. European Civil Defense Exercise: The European Civil Defense Agency (ECD) has conducted a civil defense exercise in several European countries, simulating a massive flood. The exercise aimed to test the coordination and response of emergency responders across borders. (Source: ECD)


  1. India's Civil Defense Efforts: India has launched a new civil defense program, aimed at improving disaster preparedness and response in the country. The program includes the establishment of a national disaster response force and the development of a new emergency response system. (Source: The Hindu)
  2. Australia's Civil Defense Review: Australia has launched a review of its civil defense system, aimed at improving the country's response to natural disasters. The review will focus on issues such as emergency management, communication, and community engagement. (Source: ABC News)


  1. New York City's Civil Defense Plan: New York City has launched a new civil defense plan, aimed at improving the city's response to natural disasters. The plan includes the establishment of a new emergency operations center and the development of a new emergency response system. (Source: Gothamist)
  2. Los Angeles County's Civil Defense Exercise: Los Angeles County has conducted a civil defense exercise, simulating a massive earthquake. The exercise aimed to test the response of emergency responders and the public to such disasters. (Source: LA Times)

These are just a few examples of the latest news and updates on civil defense.