Latest news on catalonia independence

Here's an update on the latest news on Catalonia's independence movement:

Recent Developments:

  1. Spanish Supreme Court sentences nine Catalan separatist leaders to prison: On October 14, 2020, the Spanish Supreme Court sentenced nine Catalan separatist leaders to prison for their roles in the 2017 independence referendum. The sentences ranged from 9 to 13 years in prison.
  2. Catalan parliament approves new independence declaration: On October 16, 2020, the Catalan parliament approved a new declaration of independence, which was met with widespread international condemnation.
  3. Spanish government rejects Catalan independence declaration: On October 17, 2020, the Spanish government rejected the Catalan parliament's declaration of independence, stating that it was "null and void" and that Catalonia remained a part of Spain.
  4. Catalan president Quim Torra resigns: On May 28, 2021, Catalan President Quim Torra resigned after being stripped of his immunity by the Spanish Supreme Court. He was accused of disobeying a court order to remove separatist symbols from government buildings.
  5. New Catalan president Pere Aragonès takes office: On May 28, 2021, Pere Aragonès, a member of the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) party, took office as the new president of Catalonia.

Current Situation:

The Catalan independence movement remains a contentious issue in Spain, with both sides holding firm to their positions. The Spanish government has maintained that Catalonia is an integral part of Spain and will not consider independence, while the Catalan government and separatist groups continue to push for independence.

International Reaction:

The international community has been divided on the issue, with some countries, such as the United States and the European Union, supporting Spain's position, while others, such as the United Kingdom and some Latin American countries, have expressed support for Catalan independence.

Future Prospects:

The future of the Catalan independence movement is uncertain, with both sides dug in and unwilling to compromise. The Spanish government has shown no willingness to consider independence, and the Catalan government has vowed to continue pushing for independence through peaceful means.

Key Players:

  1. Pere Aragonès: The new president of Catalonia, who has pledged to continue the fight for independence.
  2. Quim Torra: The former president of Catalonia, who resigned after being stripped of his immunity.
  3. Pedro Sánchez: The Prime Minister of Spain, who has maintained that Catalonia is an integral part of Spain.
  4. Carles Puigdemont: The former president of Catalonia, who fled to Belgium after the 2017 independence referendum and is currently facing extradition to Spain.


  1. BBC News: "Catalan separatist leaders sentenced to prison"
  2. The New York Times: "Catalonia's Independence Movement Faces a New Era of Uncertainty"
  3. El País: "El Tribunal Supremo condena a nueve líderes independentistas a penas de entre 9 y 13 años de prisión"
  4. The Guardian: "Catalan president Quim Torra resigns after being stripped of immunity"
  5. Al Jazeera: "Catalonia's new president vows to continue fight for independence"