Latest news on bola tinubu health

As of my knowledge cutoff, there hasn't been any recent or credible news about Bola Tinubu's health. Bola Tinubu is a Nigerian politician and former Governor of Lagos State, and he has been active in politics and public life for many years.

However, I can suggest some reliable sources where you can stay updated on any news or developments about his health:

  1. Official social media accounts: You can follow Bola Tinubu's official social media accounts, such as Twitter or Facebook, to stay updated on any news or statements about his health.
  2. Nigerian news outlets: Reputable Nigerian news outlets like The Punch, Vanguard, and ThisDay often report on news and updates about public figures, including politicians like Bola Tinubu.
  3. Online news aggregators: Websites like Google News or AllAfrica often aggregate news articles from various sources, including Nigerian news outlets, which can help you stay updated on any news about Bola Tinubu's health.

Remember to always verify the credibility of news sources and avoid spreading misinformation or unverified rumors.

If you have any specific concerns or questions about Bola Tinubu's health, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help!