Latest news on biodun fatoyinbo

Biodun Fatoyinbo is a Nigerian pastor and the founder of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) church. He has been in the news recently due to allegations of sexual misconduct made against him by Busola Dakolo, a Nigerian singer and wife of popular musician Timi Dakolo.

Here are some of the latest news updates on Biodun Fatoyinbo:

  1. Busola Dakolo's allegations: In June 2019, Busola Dakolo accused Biodun Fatoyinbo of raping her in 2002 when she was 16 years old. She made the allegations in an interview with Chude Jideonwo, a Nigerian journalist and lawyer.
  2. Fatoyinbo's response: Fatoyinbo denied the allegations, saying that they were false and that he was innocent. He also accused Busola Dakolo of lying and trying to tarnish his reputation.
  3. Investigation by the police: The Nigerian police launched an investigation into the allegations, but Fatoyinbo was not arrested or charged with any crime.
  4. COZA church members' support: Despite the allegations, many members of COZA church have continued to support Fatoyinbo, saying that they believe him and that the allegations are false.
  5. International backlash: The allegations against Fatoyinbo have sparked international outrage, with many people calling for him to be held accountable for his actions. Some celebrities, including American singer and actress, Nicki Minaj, have also spoken out against Fatoyinbo.
  6. Fatoyinbo's suspension: In July 2019, the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), a group of Pentecostal churches in Nigeria, suspended Fatoyinbo from the organization pending the outcome of the investigation into the allegations.
  7. Fatoyinbo's return to pulpit: In August 2019, Fatoyinbo returned to the pulpit at COZA church, despite the ongoing investigation and international backlash. His return was met with widespread criticism and outrage.
  8. Fatoyinbo's apology: In September 2019, Fatoyinbo apologized for his actions, saying that he had made mistakes in the past and that he was committed to making amends. However, many people have criticized his apology, saying that it was insincere and that he has not taken responsibility for his actions.

Overall, the latest news on Biodun Fatoyinbo is that he is still facing allegations of sexual misconduct and has been suspended from the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria. Despite the ongoing controversy, he remains the founder of COZA church and continues to preach and minister to his congregation.