Latest news on asylum seekers in canada

Here are some of the latest news and developments related to asylum seekers in Canada:

Recent Developments:

  1. Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) challenge: The Canadian government has been facing a legal challenge to the STCA, which allows the US and Canada to send asylum seekers back to the first country they arrived in, if they have already claimed asylum there. The challenge argues that the agreement is unconstitutional and violates international law. (Source: CBC News)
  2. Asylum seeker numbers declining: According to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the number of asylum seekers arriving in Canada has been declining in recent months. In 2022, there were 23,000 asylum claims, down from 39,000 in 2021. (Source: IRCC)
  3. New asylum seeker processing centre in Quebec: The Canadian government has announced plans to open a new asylum seeker processing centre in Quebec, which will help to speed up the processing of claims and reduce wait times. (Source: Global News)
  4. Asylum seekers facing delays and backlogs: Despite efforts to speed up processing, asylum seekers are still facing significant delays and backlogs. Many are waiting months or even years for their claims to be processed. (Source: The Globe and Mail)
  5. Government announces new measures to address asylum seeker crisis: The Canadian government has announced new measures to address the asylum seeker crisis, including increasing funding for asylum seeker services and expanding the number of immigration lawyers available to assist with claims. (Source: CTV News)

Recent Statistics:

  1. Asylum claims in 2022: According to IRCC, there were 23,000 asylum claims in 2022, down from 39,000 in 2021.
  2. Asylum seeker demographics: In 2022, the majority of asylum seekers (64%) were from Haiti, followed by the United States (14%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo (6%). (Source: IRCC)
  3. Asylum seeker wait times: The average wait time for an asylum claim to be processed is currently around 18 months, with some claims taking up to 3 years or more to be processed. (Source: IRCC)

Recent Quotes:

  1. Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Sean Fraser: "We're committed to ensuring that asylum seekers receive the support they need, while also ensuring that our immigration system is fair and efficient." (Source: CTV News)
  2. Asylum seeker advocate, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith: "The government needs to take immediate action to address the backlog and ensure that asylum seekers receive the support they need. We can't continue to leave people in limbo for years." (Source: The Globe and Mail)

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not reflect the most up-to-date information.