Latest news on asuu strike today

As of today, the latest news on the ASUU strike is that the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has extended its ongoing strike by four weeks. This decision was made after a meeting between ASUU and the Federal Government on Monday, February 27, 2023.

According to reports, the union is demanding a review of the 2009 agreement between ASUU and the government, which it claims has not been fully implemented. ASUU is also seeking improved funding for universities, the revitalization of the university system, and the implementation of the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS) platform.

The strike, which began on February 14, 2023, has affected over 1.5 million students across the country. The government has been under pressure to resolve the strike, with many calling for a swift resolution to allow students to return to class.

Here are some key quotes from the latest developments:

I hope this information is helpful.