Latest news on asuu strike 2021

The ASUU strike, which began on March 23, 2020, is still ongoing as of my knowledge cutoff in 2021. Here are some updates on the latest developments:

Latest Updates (as of August 2021)

  1. Negotiations ongoing: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government of Nigeria are still engaged in negotiations to resolve the strike. The union has been demanding improved funding for public universities, revitalization of the education sector, and implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  2. No agreement yet: Despite several meetings, the two parties have not reached a consensus on the outstanding issues. ASUU has expressed frustration with the government's lack of commitment to addressing the union's concerns.
  3. Students affected: The strike has had a significant impact on students, with many unable to attend classes or complete their academic programs. Some students have been forced to seek alternative arrangements, such as online courses or private institutions.
  4. Economic implications: The strike has also had economic implications, with many universities experiencing a decline in revenue due to the lack of student enrollment.

Previous Updates (2020-2021)

  1. Strike began in March 2020: The ASUU strike began on March 23, 2020, after the union's members voted to embark on a nationwide strike to demand improved funding for public universities and the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  2. Government's response: The Federal Government of Nigeria initially responded to the strike by setting up a committee to negotiate with ASUU. However, the negotiations stalled, and the strike continued.
  3. Court injunctions: In August 2020, a court injunction was issued to stop the strike, but ASUU refused to comply, citing the government's failure to address their concerns.
  4. ASUU's demands: ASUU has been demanding improved funding for public universities, the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, and the revitalization of the education sector. The union has also been pushing for the establishment of a university autonomy bill.

Key Issues

  1. Funding: ASUU is demanding improved funding for public universities, which have been facing significant challenges due to inadequate funding.
  2. Implementation of 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement: The union is seeking the implementation of the 2009 agreement, which was meant to address issues such as staff welfare, infrastructure development, and academic staff development.
  3. Revitalization of the education sector: ASUU is pushing for the revitalization of the education sector, which has been facing challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, poor funding, and brain drain.


The ASUU strike has been ongoing for over a year, and it remains unclear when it will be resolved. The strike has had significant implications for students, universities, and the broader education sector. The government and ASUU must work together to address the outstanding issues and find a solution to the strike.