Latest news on asup

ASUP (Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics) is a trade union in Nigeria that represents the interests of academic staff in polytechnics. Here are some of the latest news updates on ASUP:

  1. ASUP Strike Update: The union has been on strike since April 2021, demanding better working conditions, improved funding for polytechnics, and the implementation of the Needs Assessment Report for polytechnics. The strike has affected academic activities in many polytechnics across the country.
  2. FG-ASUP Meeting: The Federal Government and ASUP have been holding meetings to resolve the strike. The latest meeting was held on February 22, 2023, where both parties agreed to continue negotiations.
  3. ASUP Demands: The union is demanding a 10% increase in the salaries of its members, the implementation of the CONTISS 15 salary structure, and the payment of outstanding allowances.
  4. Polytechnics' Funding: ASUP has been advocating for increased funding for polytechnics to enable them to provide quality education and infrastructure. The union has called on the government to allocate more funds to polytechnics.
  5. ASUP Election: The union has conducted elections for its national executives. The newly elected president, Dr. Anderson Ezeibe, has promised to prioritize the welfare of members and improve the working conditions in polytechnics.
  6. ASUP and NUC: The union has been at loggerheads with the National Universities Commission (NUC) over the regulation of polytechnics. ASUP has accused NUC of trying to undermine the autonomy of polytechnics.
  7. ASUP and ASUU: The union has been working closely with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to address common challenges facing both unions. The two unions have been sharing experiences and best practices to improve the working conditions of academic staff.

These are some of the latest news updates on ASUP. The union continues to play a crucial role in advocating for the rights and interests of academic staff in polytechnics across Nigeria.