Latest news on apc presidential primary

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has concluded its presidential primary election, and the results are as follows:

Winner: Bola Tinubu, former Governor of Lagos State, with 1,271 votes Runner-up: Ahmed Lawan, Senate President, with 303 votes Third place: Yahaya Bello, Governor of Kogi State, with 154 votes

Here are some key updates and reactions from the primary:

  1. Tinubu's victory: Bola Tinubu, a long-time ally of President Muhammadu Buhari, emerged as the winner of the primary. His victory was seen as a surprise by many, given the strong campaigns of Lawan and Bello.
  2. Lawan's concession: Ahmed Lawan, the Senate President, conceded defeat and congratulated Tinubu on his victory. Lawan had been seen as a strong contender, given his experience and influence in the party.
  3. Bello's disappointment: Yahaya Bello, the Governor of Kogi State, expressed disappointment at his third-place finish. He had been a dark horse in the primary, but his campaign gained momentum in the final days.
  4. Party unity: The APC has emphasized the need for party unity, with Tinubu calling for all members to come together to support the party's candidate in the 2023 presidential election.
  5. PDP's reaction: The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the main opposition party, has congratulated Tinubu on his victory. However, the PDP has also accused the APC of rigging the primary.
  6. Next steps: The APC will now focus on selecting its vice presidential candidate. The party has set up a committee to screen and interview potential candidates.
  7. Campaign promises: Tinubu has promised to focus on issues such as economic development, security, and infrastructure development if elected president.

Here are some quotes from key figures:

Please note that these updates are based on reports from reputable sources and may be subject to change as more information becomes available.