Latest news in national assembly today

I'm happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to current news or events. But I can suggest some ways for you to stay updated on the latest news in the National Assembly:

  1. Official websites: You can visit the official websites of the National Assembly of your country (e.g., National Assembly of Nigeria, National Assembly of South Africa, etc.) to check for updates on current events, bills, and debates.
  2. News websites and apps: Follow reputable news websites and apps that cover parliamentary news, such as Vanguard, Punch, ThisDay, or News24. You can also set up notifications for specific keywords or topics to stay informed.
  3. Social media: Many parliamentarians and parliamentary officials have social media accounts where they share updates on their activities, bills, and debates. Follow them to stay informed.
  4. TV and radio: Tune into TV and radio stations that cover parliamentary news and debates. You can also watch live streams of parliamentary proceedings on some websites or social media platforms.
  5. News aggregators: Use news aggregators like Google News or Apple News to stay updated on the latest news from various sources.

Some recent news in the National Assembly might include:

Remember to verify the credibility of news sources and fact-check information to ensure accuracy.