Latest news in kaduna state government

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Kaduna State Government:

1. COVID-19 Vaccination Drive: The Kaduna State Government has launched a mass vaccination campaign against COVID-19, with the aim of vaccinating over 1 million people in the state. The vaccination exercise is being carried out in collaboration with the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) and other stakeholders.

2. Education Sector Reforms: The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to reform the education sector in the state, with a focus on improving access to quality education for all. The reforms include the establishment of new schools, upgrading of existing ones, and the introduction of new curricula.

3. Security Challenges: The Kaduna State Government has expressed concern over the rising cases of banditry and kidnapping in the state, and has vowed to take decisive action to address the security challenges. The government has also called on the federal government to provide more support to the state in its efforts to tackle the security challenges.

4. Infrastructure Development: The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to develop the state's infrastructure, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and other public facilities. The government has also launched a program to improve the state's water supply and sanitation systems.

5. Agriculture Development: The Kaduna State Government has launched a program to promote agriculture development in the state, with a focus on increasing food production and improving the livelihoods of farmers. The program includes the provision of inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides to farmers, as well as training and capacity building.

6. Health Sector Reforms: The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to reform the health sector in the state, with a focus on improving access to quality healthcare for all. The reforms include the establishment of new hospitals, upgrading of existing ones, and the introduction of new healthcare programs.

7. Job Creation: The Kaduna State Government has launched a program to create jobs for the state's youth, with a focus on promoting entrepreneurship and small-scale businesses. The program includes the provision of training and capacity building, as well as access to funding and other resources.

8. Environmental Protection: The Kaduna State Government has launched a program to protect the state's environment, with a focus on promoting sustainable development and reducing pollution. The program includes the establishment of new parks and green spaces, as well as the implementation of waste management and sanitation programs.

9. Tourism Development: The Kaduna State Government has launched a program to develop the state's tourism sector, with a focus on promoting cultural and historical tourism. The program includes the establishment of new tourist attractions, as well as the development of infrastructure such as hotels and restaurants.

10. Budget Presentation: The Kaduna State Government has presented its 2023 budget to the state assembly, with a focus on promoting economic growth and development. The budget includes provisions for infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and other key sectors.

These are some of the latest news and updates from the Kaduna State Government. I hope this information is helpful.