Latest news in ebonyi state university

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to the latest news in Ebonyi State University. But I can try to provide you with some general information and updates that I've been trained on.

Ebonyi State University is a state-owned university located in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Here are a few updates and news that I've come across:

  1. Academic Calendar: The university has released its academic calendar for the 2022/2023 session. The calendar outlines the dates for registration, lectures, examinations, and other academic activities.
  2. New Vice-Chancellor: Professor Chinedu Nwoye was appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of Ebonyi State University in 2022. He took over from Professor Richard Asiegbu, who completed his tenure.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The university has been undergoing infrastructure development, including the construction of new buildings, renovation of existing ones, and expansion of its facilities.
  4. Research and Innovation: Ebonyi State University has been promoting research and innovation in various fields, including agriculture, medicine, and technology. The university has also established research centers and institutes to support these efforts.
  5. Student Union Activities: The university's student union has been involved in various activities, including cultural events, sports competitions, and community service projects.

Please note that these updates may not be the latest news, and I recommend checking the university's official website or social media channels for the most recent information.

If you're looking for more specific information or updates on a particular topic, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help!