Latest news in assemblies of god nigeria

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Assemblies of God Nigeria:

Recent News

  1. New National Chairman: The Assemblies of God Nigeria has a new National Chairman, Rev. Dr. Chidi Okoroafor, who was elected at the church's 2022 National Convention. Rev. Okoroafor succeeds Rev. Dr. Paul Emeka, who served as National Chairman for 12 years.
  2. Church Planting: The Assemblies of God Nigeria has launched a new church planting initiative, aimed at reaching more communities and spreading the gospel across the country. The initiative is expected to lead to the establishment of new churches in various parts of the country.
  3. Youth Empowerment: The church has launched a youth empowerment program, designed to equip young people with skills and resources to become leaders and change-makers in their communities. The program includes training in areas such as leadership, entrepreneurship, and community development.
  4. Medical Mission: The Assemblies of God Nigeria has conducted a medical mission outreach in several communities across the country, providing free medical care and treatment to thousands of people.
  5. Prayer and Fasting: The church has called for a national prayer and fasting program, aimed at seeking God's guidance and direction for the country. The program is expected to run for 21 days, from January 1 to January 21, 2023.

Recent Events

  1. National Convention: The Assemblies of God Nigeria held its 2022 National Convention in Abuja, with thousands of delegates from across the country attending. The convention featured worship, teaching, and ministry from various speakers and worship leaders.
  2. Youth Conference: The church held its annual Youth Conference in Lagos, with thousands of young people attending. The conference featured teaching, worship, and ministry from various speakers and worship leaders.
  3. Women's Conference: The Assemblies of God Nigeria held its annual Women's Conference in Port Harcourt, with thousands of women attending. The conference featured teaching, worship, and ministry from various speakers and worship leaders.

Recent Statements

  1. Statement on Security: The Assemblies of God Nigeria has issued a statement on the current security challenges in the country, calling for prayer and urging Christians to remain calm and peaceful.
  2. Statement on Politics: The church has issued a statement on the upcoming elections, urging Christians to pray and vote wisely, and to promote peace and unity in the country.

Recent Appointments

  1. New National Secretary: Rev. Dr. Samuel Ogbu has been appointed as the new National Secretary of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, succeeding Rev. Dr. Paul Emeka.
  2. New National Treasurer: Rev. Dr. Chukwuemeka Nwosu has been appointed as the new National Treasurer of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, succeeding Rev. Dr. Samuel Ogbu.

Please note that these are just some of the latest news and updates from the Assemblies of God Nigeria, and may not be exhaustive.