Latest news in afghanistan now

Here are some of the latest news updates from Afghanistan:

Taliban Take Control of Key City

The Taliban have taken control of the city of Kunduz, a key city in northern Afghanistan, after government forces withdrew from the city. The city is a strategic location and its fall is seen as a significant blow to the government's efforts to hold onto territory. (Source: Al Jazeera)

Violence Continues Across the Country

Violence has continued to escalate across Afghanistan, with reports of clashes between government forces and the Taliban in several provinces. The violence has resulted in the deaths of dozens of people, including civilians, soldiers, and Taliban fighters. (Source: Reuters)

US and Taliban Reach Agreement on Troop Withdrawal

The United States and the Taliban have reached an agreement on the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. Under the agreement, the US will withdraw its troops from the country within 14 months, in exchange for the Taliban's commitment to prevent terrorist groups from using Afghan soil to launch attacks against the US. (Source: The New York Times)

Afghanistan's Economy in Crisis

Afghanistan's economy is in crisis, with the country facing a severe shortage of foreign currency and a decline in economic activity. The country's central bank has warned that the economy is at risk of collapse, and the government has appealed for international assistance to help stabilize the economy. (Source: The Guardian)

Humanitarian Crisis Deepens

The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is deepening, with millions of people in need of assistance. The country is facing a severe drought, and many people are struggling to access basic necessities such as food and shelter. The United Nations has appealed for international assistance to help respond to the crisis. (Source: UN News)

Taliban Launch Attacks on Government Forces

The Taliban have launched a series of attacks on government forces in recent days, including a suicide bombing that killed several soldiers in the capital city of Kabul. The attacks are seen as a sign of the Taliban's growing confidence and ability to launch complex attacks against government forces. (Source: CNN)

International Community Condemns Taliban Violence

The international community has condemned the Taliban's violence, with many countries calling for an end to the fighting and a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The United States, the European Union, and other countries have all issued statements condemning the Taliban's actions and calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. (Source: BBC News)

These are just a few of the latest news updates from Afghanistan. The situation on the ground is constantly changing, and it is important to stay up to date with the latest developments to understand the complexities of the conflict.