Latest news about sunday igboho

Sunday Adeyemo, also known as Sunday Igboho, is a Nigerian activist and leader of the Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC), a Yoruba self-determination group. Here are some of the latest news about him:

Recent Arrest and Detention: On July 1, 2021, Sunday Igboho was arrested at the Cadjehoun Airport in Cotonou, Benin Republic, while trying to travel to Germany. He was detained by the Beninese authorities and later transferred to a prison in Cotonou.

Extradition Request: The Nigerian government has requested the extradition of Sunday Igboho from Benin Republic, citing allegations of terrorism and kidnapping. However, Igboho's lawyers have denied the allegations and claimed that he is being persecuted for his activism.

International Support: Sunday Igboho has received support from various international organizations and individuals, including the African Bar Association, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and human rights activists like Amnesty International.

Yoruba Community Support: The Yoruba community in Nigeria and abroad has rallied behind Sunday Igboho, seeing him as a champion of their rights and self-determination. Many have called for his release and an end to what they see as persecution by the Nigerian government.

Government Response: The Nigerian government has denied allegations of persecution and claimed that Sunday Igboho is a criminal who has been involved in violent activities. The government has also accused him of being a threat to national security.

Legal Battle: Sunday Igboho's lawyers are fighting his extradition to Nigeria, citing concerns about his safety and the fairness of the Nigerian justice system. The case is ongoing, with a hearing scheduled for later this month.

International Pressure: The international community is watching the case closely, with many calling for Sunday Igboho's release and an end to what they see as human rights abuses by the Nigerian government. The United Nations has also expressed concern about the situation.

These are some of the latest news about Sunday Igboho. The situation is ongoing, and we will continue to monitor developments and provide updates as more information becomes available.