Latest news about national unity and peace corps

Here are some latest news articles about National Unity and Peace Corps:

National Unity:

  1. India's National Unity Day: PM Modi pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi (The Hindu, October 31, 2022) - Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on National Unity Day, emphasizing the importance of unity and national integration.
  2. National Unity Day: PM Modi calls for collective efforts to strengthen nation (The Times of India, October 31, 2022) - Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for collective efforts to strengthen the nation and promote national unity on National Unity Day.
  3. National Unity Day: A day to remember the sacrifices of freedom fighters (The Indian Express, October 31, 2022) - The article highlights the significance of National Unity Day, which is celebrated on October 31 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Iron Man of India.

Peace Corps:

  1. Peace Corps celebrates 60th anniversary, reflects on its impact (The Washington Post, March 1, 2022) - The Peace Corps celebrated its 60th anniversary, reflecting on its impact on global development and international relations.
  2. Peace Corps suspends programs in Ukraine due to Russian invasion (The New York Times, March 3, 2022) - The Peace Corps suspended its programs in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion, citing safety concerns for its volunteers.
  3. Peace Corps celebrates its 60th anniversary with a renewed focus on global health (Global Health Magazine, March 2022) - The article highlights the Peace Corps' 60th anniversary and its renewed focus on global health, including its efforts to combat COVID-19 and other health crises.

Peace Corps and National Unity:

  1. Peace Corps promotes national unity through community development projects (The Peace Corps, October 2022) - The Peace Corps highlighted its community development projects, which promote national unity and social cohesion in host countries.
  2. National Unity and Peace Corps: A powerful combination for global development (The Diplomat, October 2022) - The article explores the connection between national unity and the Peace Corps, highlighting the importance of both for global development and international relations.

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation.