Latest news about national assembly

Here are some of the latest news updates about the National Assembly of Pakistan:

Recent Developments:

  1. No-Trust Motion: On April 3, 2022, the opposition parties in the National Assembly submitted a no-trust motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan, which was later accepted by the Speaker of the House. The motion is expected to be taken up for voting on April 9, 2022.
  2. PTI's Response: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has rejected the no-trust motion, calling it a "conspiracy" to topple the government. PTI lawmakers have also threatened to resign en masse if the motion is accepted.
  3. Opposition's Demands: The opposition parties have demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the dissolution of the National Assembly. They have also called for fresh elections to be held.
  4. Government's Response: The government has accused the opposition of trying to destabilize the country and has vowed to complete its term. It has also announced a series of measures to address the economic and political challenges facing the country.

Recent Debates and Resolutions:

  1. Economic Crisis: The National Assembly has been debating the economic crisis facing the country, with opposition parties blaming the government for the situation. The government has defended its economic policies, saying they are necessary to stabilize the economy.
  2. Kashmir Issue: The National Assembly has also been discussing the Kashmir issue, with opposition parties calling for international intervention to resolve the dispute between India and Pakistan.
  3. National Security: The National Assembly has passed a resolution condemning the recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan and calling for increased security measures to protect the country.

Recent Bills and Legislation:

  1. Anti-Terrorism Bill: The National Assembly has passed an anti-terrorism bill aimed at strengthening the country's anti-terrorism laws.
  2. Election Reforms Bill: The National Assembly has also passed an election reforms bill aimed at improving the transparency and fairness of the electoral process.

Recent Committee Meetings:

  1. Public Accounts Committee: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the National Assembly has been meeting to discuss the audit reports of various government departments and institutions.
  2. Defence Committee: The Defence Committee of the National Assembly has been meeting to discuss the country's defence policy and the situation along the borders with India and Afghanistan.

These are some of the latest news updates about the National Assembly of Pakistan. Please note that the situation is constantly evolving, and new developments may have occurred since my knowledge cutoff.