Latest news about nasu strike

I'm assuming you're referring to the ongoing strike by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) in the United States. Here are some of the latest updates:

Latest Developments:

  1. Ongoing Strike: The NASW strike, which began on June 22, 2022, is still ongoing. The union represents over 120,000 social workers, including clinical social workers, licensed clinical social workers, and social work educators.
  2. Contract Negotiations: The NASW and the National Association of Social Workers Foundation (NASWF) are engaged in contract negotiations with the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). The union is seeking improved wages, benefits, and working conditions for its members.
  3. Picketing and Protests: NASW members have been picketing and protesting outside APA and NASP offices, as well as at conferences and events, to raise awareness about their demands and to pressure the organizations to negotiate a fair contract.
  4. Support from Other Unions: The NASW strike has received support from other unions, including the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA).
  5. Impact on Services: The strike has resulted in disruptions to social work services, including counseling, therapy, and support groups. Many social workers have been forced to take unpaid leave or work without pay during the strike.

Recent Statements and Updates:

  1. NASW Statement: On July 12, 2022, the NASW issued a statement reiterating its commitment to the strike and calling on APA and NASP to return to the bargaining table.
  2. APA Response: The APA has issued a statement expressing its disappointment with the NASW's decision to strike and urging the union to return to negotiations.
  3. NASP Statement: The NASP has also issued a statement, saying that it is committed to finding a resolution to the strike and is willing to continue negotiating with the NASW.

Next Steps:

  1. Continued Picketing and Protests: NASW members will continue to picket and protest outside APA and NASP offices, as well as at conferences and events.
  2. Contract Negotiations: The NASW and APA/NASP will continue to negotiate a contract that meets the union's demands.
  3. Potential Strike Extension: If a contract is not reached, the NASW may extend the strike, which could have further implications for social work services.

Please note that the situation is subject to change, and I recommend checking the NASW website or other reputable sources for the latest updates on the strike.