Latest news about mapoly strike

MAPOLY Strike: Latest Updates and Developments

The strike by the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) at the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY) in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, has been ongoing since February 2023. Here are the latest updates and developments:

Latest Update (March 15, 2023): The strike has entered its 6th week, with no signs of resolution. The union has accused the management of the polytechnic of failing to address their demands, including the non-payment of salaries, non-implementation of the new minimum wage, and poor working conditions.

Demands of the Union: ASUP has made several demands, including:

  1. Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances
  2. Implementation of the new minimum wage
  3. Improved working conditions, including the provision of adequate infrastructure and equipment
  4. Resolution of the issue of staff promotion and career progression
  5. Improved funding for the polytechnic

Response from the Management: The management of MAPOLY has accused the union of being unreasonable and has offered to negotiate with the union. However, the union has rejected the management's offer, saying that it does not address their demands.

Impact on Students: The strike has disrupted academic activities at the polytechnic, with students unable to attend classes or participate in examinations. The strike has also affected the morale of students, who are worried about the impact on their academic careers.

Call for Intervention: The Ogun State Government has been called upon to intervene in the strike and resolve the issues between the union and the management of the polytechnic. The government has been urged to provide adequate funding for the polytechnic and to address the concerns of the union.

Next Steps: The strike is expected to continue until the union's demands are met. The union has threatened to take further action if the management fails to address their demands. The Ogun State Government is expected to play a key role in resolving the strike and finding a lasting solution to the issues affecting the polytechnic.

It is essential to note that the situation is subject to change, and updates may be provided as new information becomes available.