Latest news about kunle poly

Kunle Poly is a popular Nigerian comedian and actor, and I can try to provide you with the latest news about him. Here are a few updates:

  1. New Comedy Skit: Kunle Poly recently released a new comedy skit titled "The Interview" which has been trending on social media. In the skit, he plays the role of a job seeker who is being interviewed by a panel of employers.
  2. Collaboration with Other Comedians: Kunle Poly has been collaborating with other popular Nigerian comedians such as Basketmouth, I Go Dye, and Okey Bakassi on new comedy projects. Their collaborations have been well-received by fans and have helped to keep the comedy scene in Nigeria thriving.
  3. Awards and Recognition: Kunle Poly has been recognized for his contributions to the Nigerian comedy industry. He was recently awarded the "Best Comedian of the Year" at the 2022 City People Entertainment Awards.
  4. New TV Show: Kunle Poly is set to star in a new TV show titled "The Kunle Poly Show" which will premiere on a popular Nigerian TV channel soon. The show promises to be a hilarious and entertaining program that will feature Kunle Poly's signature comedy style.
  5. Philanthropic Efforts: Kunle Poly has been involved in several philanthropic efforts, including donating to orphanages and supporting underprivileged children. His charitable work has earned him recognition and admiration from fans and fellow celebrities.

These are just a few of the latest news updates about Kunle Poly. If you're a fan of his work, I'm sure you'll be excited to hear about his new projects and collaborations!