Latest news about federal polytechnic strike

Here are some of the latest news updates about the Federal Polytechnic strike:

Latest Update (March 2023)

The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has called off its strike after reaching a agreement with the Federal Government. The strike, which began on November 13, 2022, was called off after the government agreed to implement the 2009 agreement and the 2017 Memorandum of Action (MOA) signed between ASUP and the government.


The strike was called by ASUP to protest the non-implementation of the 2009 agreement and the 2017 MOA, which addressed issues such as staff welfare, infrastructure development, and the payment of salaries and allowances. The union also demanded the release of funds for the revitalization of polytechnics and the implementation of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) guidelines.

Key Demands

Some of the key demands made by ASUP during the strike include:

  1. Implementation of the 2009 agreement and the 2017 MOA
  2. Payment of salaries and allowances to polytechnic staff
  3. Release of funds for the revitalization of polytechnics
  4. Implementation of the NBTE guidelines
  5. Improvement in the infrastructure and facilities of polytechnics

Impact of the Strike

The strike had a significant impact on the education sector, with many polytechnics across the country being shut down. The strike also affected the academic calendar, with many students being unable to attend classes or complete their academic programs on time.

Government Response

The Federal Government had earlier responded to the strike by setting up a committee to negotiate with ASUP. The government also offered to pay the outstanding salaries and allowances owed to polytechnic staff, but the union rejected the offer, saying it was not enough to address the underlying issues.


The strike by ASUP has been called off, and polytechnics across the country are expected to resume academic activities soon. The agreement reached between ASUP and the government is expected to address some of the key issues that led to the strike, including the implementation of the 2009 agreement and the 2017 MOA.