Latest news about cjn

I'm happy to help! CJN stands for Cleveland Jewish News, a local newspaper serving the Jewish community in Cleveland, Ohio. Here are some of the latest news articles from their website:

Top Stories

  1. Cleveland Jewish News wins 14 awards in annual journalism contest: The Cleveland Jewish News won 14 awards in the annual journalism contest sponsored by the American Jewish Press Association. [Source: CJN]
  2. CJN's 2022-2023 Community Calendar now available: The CJN's 2022-2023 Community Calendar is now available, featuring a comprehensive list of Jewish events and holidays. [Source: CJN]
  3. Cleveland Jewish community mourns loss of Holocaust survivor and educator: The Cleveland Jewish community is mourning the loss of Holocaust survivor and educator, Dr. Eva Mozes Kor. [Source: CJN]

Local News

  1. Cleveland's Jewish community comes together to support Ukraine: The Cleveland Jewish community has come together to support Ukraine, with local organizations and individuals donating to relief efforts. [Source: CJN]
  2. CJN's annual "Best of" issue highlights top Jewish businesses and organizations: The CJN's annual "Best of" issue is out, featuring the top Jewish businesses and organizations in the Cleveland area. [Source: CJN]
  3. Cleveland's Jewish community celebrates Purim with festive events: The Cleveland Jewish community celebrated Purim with festive events, including costume parties and Megillah readings. [Source: CJN]

National and International News

  1. Israel's new government faces challenges as it takes office: Israel's new government, led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, is facing challenges as it takes office, including the ongoing conflict with Hamas. [Source: CJN]
  2. Jewish community around the world mourns loss of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks: The Jewish community around the world is mourning the loss of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, a prominent Jewish leader and scholar. [Source: CJN]
  3. Antisemitic incidents on the rise in the United States: Antisemitic incidents are on the rise in the United States, with a significant increase in reported incidents in recent years. [Source: CJN]