Latest news about bida poly

Bida Polytechnic! Here are some of the latest news and updates about the institution:

Academic News

  1. New Academic Calendar: The management of Bida Polytechnic has released a new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic session. The calendar outlines the dates for registration, lectures, and examinations.
  2. Part-Time Admission: The polytechnic has announced the sale of forms for part-time admission into various programs for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Infrastructure Development

  1. New Hostel Blocks: The polytechnic has commissioned two new hostel blocks, which can accommodate over 500 students. The hostel blocks are equipped with modern facilities, including Wi-Fi, solar power, and water supply.
  2. Renovation of Lecture Halls: The management has embarked on the renovation of some of the lecture halls in the institution to provide a conducive learning environment for students.

Student Life

  1. Student Union Election: The Student Union Government (SUG) election has been held at the polytechnic, with a new set of executives elected to lead the students for the next academic session.
  2. Cultural and Sports Activities: The polytechnic has organized various cultural and sports activities, including a football tournament, to promote unity and teamwork among students.

Management News

  1. New Rector Appointed: The Federal Government has appointed a new Rector for Bida Polytechnic, following the retirement of the former Rector.
  2. Management's Efforts to Improve Infrastructure: The management has reiterated its commitment to improving the infrastructure of the institution, including the provision of modern facilities and equipment.

Other News

  1. Alumni Association: The Bida Polytechnic Alumni Association has been re-launched, with the aim of promoting unity and cooperation among alumni of the institution.
  2. Community Development Projects: The polytechnic has embarked on various community development projects, including the provision of healthcare services and infrastructure development in surrounding communities.

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be exhaustive. For the latest and most accurate information, I recommend visiting the official website of Bida Polytechnic or contacting the institution directly.