Latest news about asuu strike today

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to the latest news. But I can try to provide you with some general information about the ASUU strike and some recent updates.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has been on strike since February 14, 2022, demanding better working conditions, improved funding for public universities, and the implementation of the 2009 agreement between the union and the federal government.

Here are some recent updates:

  1. Negotiations ongoing: The Federal Government and ASUU have been engaging in negotiations to resolve the strike. The government has offered a 23.7% increase in salaries, while ASUU is demanding a 100% implementation of the 2009 agreement.
  2. Court injunction: The National Industrial Court has issued an injunction restraining ASUU from continuing the strike. However, the union has appealed the decision, and the strike remains ongoing.
  3. Students' plight: The strike has caused significant disruptions to academic activities, with many students unable to attend classes or complete their studies. Some students have taken to social media to express their frustration and disappointment.
  4. Government's response: The government has accused ASUU of being "unreasonable" and has threatened to take "drastic measures" if the strike continues. However, the union has maintained that it will not back down until its demands are met.

Please note that these updates are subject to change, and I recommend checking reputable news sources for the latest information on the ASUU strike.

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