Latest news about asup strike 2021

The ASUP (Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics) strike in Nigeria has been ongoing since November 2020, and it's still ongoing as of 2021. Here are some of the latest updates:

Latest Updates (as of March 2021)

  1. ASUP extends strike by 12 weeks: The union extended its strike by 12 weeks, citing the federal government's failure to meet its demands. The strike was initially called off in February 2021, but the union decided to extend it due to the government's lack of progress.
  2. FG, ASUP meet, but no agreement: The federal government and ASUP met on February 25, 2021, but no agreement was reached. The government offered a 10% increase in salaries, which the union rejected.
  3. Students suffer as strike enters 16th month: The strike has entered its 16th month, causing significant disruptions to academic activities in polytechnics across the country. Students are unable to attend classes, and many have been forced to seek alternative means of education.
  4. ASUP accuses FG of reneging on agreement: The union accused the federal government of reneging on an agreement reached in 2020 to address the issues that led to the strike. ASUP claimed that the government had failed to implement the agreement, leading to the extension of the strike.


The ASUP strike was called off in 2020 after a 9-month strike, but the union's demands were not fully met. The union is demanding improved working conditions, better salaries, and the implementation of the Needs Assessment Report for polytechnics. The strike has had a significant impact on the education sector in Nigeria, with many students unable to attend classes and complete their academic programs.

Key Demands

ASUP's key demands include:

  1. Improved salaries and allowances for academic staff
  2. Implementation of the Needs Assessment Report for polytechnics
  3. Improved working conditions, including the provision of adequate infrastructure and equipment
  4. Addressing the issue of staff promotion and career progression
  5. Implementation of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) for polytechnic staff

The strike has been ongoing for over a year, and it remains to be seen when it will be resolved.